Locking on Sales Line Table


We have a locking problem that is progressively getting worse. We have some bespoke that schedules selective open sales lines into batches and then allows for reservation, picking and invoicing of the batches. The problem appears when the Sales Department are putting on new orders whist transport are batching scheduled order but is intermittent.

The error is ’ The Sales Line Table cannot be changed because it is locked by another user’.

The system is Nav 2009 R2 classic on 2008 R2 SQL and holds 80GB worth of data.

This is running on Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise.

Any advice?

Welcome to forum!

Although you gave a brief description of scenario, it’s difficult if not impossible to give a distant advice when locking issues are to be solved.
Those are hard to solve even in place, as involves SQL monitoring “on the fly” to detect where & why the bottlenecks actually occur, and in most cases the solution lies in workflow changes, not purely technical methods, although sometimes the latter can help minimize locks - but not eliminate them completely.

I understand that my answer doesn’t help you much if at all, but so it is with DB locks… I would suggest you involve some good DBA who has also a good knowledge of NAV - maybe your implementing Partner company can be for assistance.