Labels in databases

Hi !
Is it possible do store labels in databases and later when using the label value , not to print the label but rather the label value?

What do you mean by storing labels in database? They’re already stored in the model store database, if you’re talking about AX 2012.

If you mean whether you can store some text with label ID (e.g. @SYS12345), the answer is: of course, it’s just a text.

You can print label’s value. In fact, it’s the whole purpose of labels. What problem do you have with that?

I mean in like a docuref database. For example: The notes field is a label. When I want to call it from code, it shows the label , not the label value. Right now I only get the label ‘@SYS12345’ , but I want it to print the value behind it.

How are you “printing” it?

select firstonly label from testTable;

label = testTable.label;

“info” is just an example. It can be return, print, or just a value.
This problably can’t be done ?

info(SysLabel::labelId2String(label, currentUserLanguage()));