Just installed Workflow, how can I see it working?

I’ve installed, and validated workflow…is there any easy way to see it work? We don’t have “Purchase Requisition” turned on or “Expense management”…those are the two I know of.

Maybe the vendor invoice approval? Don’t forget to enable workflow on the Journal name you are using.

I’ve enabled it on the journal. I actually just found in the eventlog the following warning, error, error. Security setup somewhere?

Microsoft Dynamics AX Business Connector Session 17.

An X++ exception has occurred.

SysWorkflowProviderService-loadWorkflowInstance User ‘wfsys’ is not authorized to update a record in table ‘SYSWORKFLOWTABLE’. Request denied.

SysWorkflowProviderService-loadWorkflowInstance Cannot edit a record in SysWorkflowTable (SysWorkflowTable).

Access Denied: You do not have sufficient authorization to modify data in database.

SysWorkflowProviderService-loadWorkflowInstance SysWorkflowEventDispatcher-onWorkflowFault User ‘wfsys’ is not authorized to update a record in table ‘WORKFLOWMESSAGETABLE’. Request denied.

SysWorkflowProviderService-loadWorkflowInstance SysWorkflowEventDispatcher-onWorkflowFault Cannot edit a record in Workflow Messages Table (WorkflowMessageTable).

Access Denied: You do not have sufficient authorization to modify data in database.

Object Server 01: User ‘wfsys’ is not authorized to update a record in table ‘WORKFLOWMESSAGETABLE’. Request denied.

Object Server 01: User ‘wfsys’ is not authorized to update a record in table ‘SYSWORKFLOWTABLE’. Request denied.

I’m also getting notifications that say “Web service failed: workflow id WI000002_058” after I submit. Any idea?