Is there any way how many sessions are allowed per user ?

I am using Ax 2009 where i have

user license = 9

business connector proxy license = 9

Application object server = 1

So total user license = 18

The below line giving me only total user license

int maxSessions = Info::licensedUsersTotal();

To test how many sessions are possible i opened many ax but at count 15 it blocked me saying "You reached maximum license…how come ?

So i need to find out through code

Currently what are the active sessions are opened and per user how many sessions can be opened ?

Have you had a look at Admin → Common Forms → Online Users?

This form shows you which users are actively connected and how - i.e. through business connector etc,

If only 15 users are in AX and you have 18 licenses it sounds like another 3 connections are stuck and need killed off - you can do this in Online Users or with AOS restart.

am using third party web application where we are logging into ax using same user bcproxy.

So actually wanted to know what’s the max sessions a user can open ?

Hi Will,

Does it applicable to AX 2012 also or any new forms available in ax 2012 ?