Invoice VAT table ?


I’m currently trying to implement an invoice in Dynamics AX 2009 with Reporting Services.

My problem is to find a way to link a VAT row (TaxTrans) with an invoice row (CustInvoiceTrans) with the wright relations.

Thanks a lot,


It should be InventTransId.

Yes it seems to be this field but this field is empty in taxTrans table… .

Is there another way ?

thanks you very much for your answer

Yes this field will be empty for some records in tax trans - because every tax transaction may not include items- example could be a journal.

InventTransId will be generated for every transaction which includes items. So i believe it will get filled when a sales invoice gets posted…

Great ! you’re wright I just found it on my Test platform, thanks very much!

But another problem: now a realise that on my dev platform there is no TaxTrans table generated, neither in AX nor in physical sql server database. Is there a way to generate this table event if it’s empty? Actually I can’t execute my query in Reporting Services since the table doesn’t existe.

Thanks again !

Then check with your configuration in DEV.

Ax → Administration → setup → System → configuration → General Ledger → sales tax

see whether it is enabled or not - if not enable it.

Thanks for your answers.

Now I also need to display the vat number of my company. This number is in TaxVATNumTable.VATNum.

But This VAT num depends of NumberSequenceGroup

At the moment I can find the relation between NumberSequenceGroup and CustInvoiceJour but not with TaxVATNumTable.

Any Idea ?


You can get the VAT number of the company from CompanyInfo table(TIN_IN).

If you want customer , vendor related tax number - you can find them from their tax information…

Can you explain it?

My company has to manage several VAT numbers. Accountants want to link NumberSequenceGroup with TaxVATNumTable (where the VAT numbers should be?). the problem is that I don’t find any table able to link those 2 tables.

So the first question is: Is there a way to manage several VAT num without custom development?

If there is a way, how can I get this Vat number?

Thanks a lot!