IntegrationEvent.IncludeSender - include and use the Sender parameter in EventSubscriber?

Reference this Event on Contact.dal

[IntegrationEvent(TRUE, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeVendorInsert(var Vend: Record Vendor; var Contact: Record Contact)

I’m confused why this event includes the sender (Contact) when the Contact Record is passed as a parameter. The AL Tools appear to automatically add.

Goal: Change vendor No. based upon properties of the Contact. Why use one versus the other? Options: Vend.“No.” := Sender.“No.” OR Vendor.“No” := Contact.“No.”

AL tools auto-created this from the OnBeforeVendorInsert Event →

    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Database::Contact, 'OnBeforeVendorInsert', '', false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeVendorInsert(var Sender: Record Contact; var Vend: Record Vendor; var Contact: Record Contact)

The method call in the Contact Table is:
OnBeforeVendorInsert(Vend, Rec);

Sender (Contact Record) and Rec (Contact Record) parameters appear to be identical in the subscriber.

Should a dev always include the Sender Parameter in the Subscriber, or would it be best to just use the below format since we don’t need “Sender”

ChangeVendorOnBeforeVendorInsert(var Vend: Record Vendor; var Contact: Record Contact)

I don’t include the sender. So this one will be the best:
ChangeVendorOnBeforeVendorInsert(var Vend: Record Vendor; var Contact: Record Contact)

Then you have the record Contact as a var and you can change the fields in there.

Not sure why AL tools include the sender. But in this case you don’t need it. And in the most events the sender is always included.