Integration of AX 2009 with IBM's Lotus notes


I need to send a mail with report attached from AX application to IBM’s Lotus Notes. This is my first try on this, So please let me know how this is achieved, if anybody worked on integration of AX with Lotus Notes.

Thanks in Advance :slight_smile:


Dear Experts,

Please let me know if this is achieved or not :slight_smile:

Bcoz I wasn’t Received any suggestion for this.



You can acchieved it by this code:

str parameters;


parameters = “mailto:?subject=SUBJECT?body=BODY?attach=C:\XXX\XXX\Desktop\XXX.csv”;

WinApi::shellExecute(‘notes.exe’, parameters);

if it helps, report it as a solution.

Hi ,

I too am facing same issue were you able to fix it .

Any ideas you would like to highlight for the solution.

I need to automatically send PO report(as pdf) on confirmation to vendor in ax 2012.