Inserting Values In one form other form


i ve small Doubt.i ve 2 forms ,form1 and and form2,am entering values into form2 click on Button same values Inserted into form1 …and one thing in form 2 Am not using the data source (Ex : Fields No,Name)…can u plz give me the code for this one …

Can you explain more what you are doing and what you want?


For Example ,i ve 2 forms in form1 click the button it open a form2 in that form Am entering Num And Name Values And click button that same values inserted into form1…their also same field .But in form2 Am taken Only StringEdit Controls for the NUm and Name…

are you using navision?

why do you want to have 2 forms? how many fields you have in form1?

and what are the primary key fields?

Am Using Dynamics that same 2 forms am same field and form2 am using string edit controls .

you have posted your question in wrong forum…(navision)

please move it to AX forum