Import Customer using DMF for the version AX 2012 R3 CU8 Demo Environment on Azure


We have got the below query.

We have installed the Demo Version of AX 2012 R3 CU8 on Azure using LCS. We can find the module called “Data Import Export Framework”.

I have a scenario to import Customer & Customer Address using DMF where the source file will be a .csv / .text file.

I was going through the documentation on msdn, I just want to ask, is there any installation required for DMF on the Demo Version of AX 2012 R3 CU8 on Azure to import customer / customer Addresses using DMF.

If yes, would appreciate your help on how to install the tools if at all required since it is installed over Azure OR the pre-installed module “Data Import / Export Framework” is the one that we need to use for importing & Exporting data from AX.

Would appreciate for your quick response.



The AX components of the data import/export framework are a part of the standard AX application since AX 2012 R2 CU7. That’s why you already see the module in AX.

There are some external components needed (e.g. a service running SSIS), but I believe it should be set up in the demo environment. Do you have any problem with it? If so, please tell us what kind of problem it is.

Thank you for your quick response Martin.

I was looking at the "Data Import/Export Parameters

Thank you for your quick response Martin.

I was working upon it to import customer using a text file and I got stuck up in below steps.

  1. My source file is a text file. I have 5 fields in that. When I see “Source to Staging Mappings” I see Only the first field mapped and rest 4 fields are not showing up only and neither coming in the drop down in the source fields when i click on Mapping Details button.

  2. I was looking at the “Data Import/Export Parameters” and I found the Shared Working Directory as blank.

I just wanted to know if there is something wrong that I am doing and hence only 1 field is showing up in the source fields OR there is some installation pending.

There is a possibility that i might sound silly but I would appreciate if you can just put me on the right track.



The shared folder is needed, therefore please fill it and validate. Note that you have to set up correct permissions. (The Data Import/Export Framework requires a shared directory that the Data Import/Export Framework service account must have read access to. The AOS service account must have read and write access to the directory.)

If other fields doesn’t show up, it means that AX doesn’t interpret your file correctly. Verify that its structure corresponds to the format (defined in Data import export framework > Setup > Source data formats).

Hi Martin,

Thank you so much for your help.

There was something wrong in setting up the source data formats that i was doing. I figured out & resolved it.

I tried a very simple scenario to Import/Export ONLY few fields of customer data, I am able to do that.

Thanks a lot once again.



Hi Martin,

I am stuck up somewhere & need your help.

I am trying to import multiple customers with multiple addresses and multiple contact information like Email & Phone no using a Text file as the source.

When I am Importing, the customers are getting imported with the addresses but the contact information is NOT getting imported & it is NOT even reporting any error.

Further details: I have a customer.txt containing the customer details & customerAddresses.txt containing the Addresses & Contact information and the 2 file are stored in the same location and the two text files are connected via CustAccount no.

Can you please let me know what could be the issue?



Some more details regarding the data in the file:

Data in the Customer Text File:


CF Test Customer 13,CF-00013,USA,USD,80,Always,A

CF Test Customer 14,CF-00014,USA,USD,80,Always,B

Data in the CustomerAddress Text File:


Delivery site,USA,CF-00013,Delivery;Business,123 White Road Los AngelesCA 90004 USA,,CF Test E-Mail,101101101,CF Company Phone Test

Delivery site,USA,CF-00013,Delivery,123 White Road Los AngelesCA 90004 USA,,CF Test E-Mail,101101101,CF Company Phone Test

Delivery site,USA,CF-00014,Delivery;Business,123 White Road Los AngelesCA 90004 USA,,CF Test E-Mail,101101101,CF Company Phone Test

Kindly let me know if any clarification is required further.



Hi Muneeb,

Where are you looking for the imported Contact information?

In my experience, DIXF imports the Contact information that you can see at:

Go to the All customers list page. Highlight a customer. In the ribbon bar → ‘Customer’ tab → ‘Accounts’ area → ‘Contacts’ button → ‘View contacts’.

DIXF does not import the type of Contact information that you can see at:

Go to the All customers list page. Highlight a customer and click Edit. Expand the ‘Contact information’ fast tab.

Do you get the data correctly to staging tables?

Hi Terri \ Martin,

Thank you.

I was doing some mistake. I was referring the field AddressEmail in Customer Address entity for contact information. However, the contact information field for email is present in the Customer Entity itself. So after regenerating & modifying the files as below, I am able to import multiple customer with multiple addresses along with the contact information.

Data in the Customer Text File:


CF Test Customer 15,CF-00015,USA,USD,80,A,Always,,Test Email-15,Test Phone-15,1212121215

CF Test Customer 16,CF-00016,USA,USD,80,C,Always,,Test Email-16,Test Phone-16,1212121216

Data in the Customer Address Text File:


Delivery site,USA,CF-00015,Delivery,Sacramento

Delivery site,USA,CF-00015,Delivery;Business,Sacramento

Delivery site,USA,CF-00016,Business,Sacramento

Thank you for your help.

