Can any one help me out to provide the Prerequiste to implement Navision System? Implementation Methodoligies and a standard project plan to implement Standard Navision preferabley version 5.0.
I will appreciate positive and quick reponse at your earliest please.
Microsoft use the Sure Step methodology for the implementation of Navision. If you have access to Partnersource and an appropriate service agreement you can get everything you need.
Thank you Adam. Do you have any idea about this Sure Step methodology? Does it give the perfroma type of questionares to d othe high level and detailed analysis in diagnostic phase? And does it give any predefined questions to ask from customers about the Business processes?
Also I am looking to download this methodology tool do u know any link or any place online from where I can buy it?
Microsoft have this uploaded through Partnersource, you would need to contact Microsoft to get this.
However if you search for surestep on you should see some downloadable material, not sure of the full extent of what you get either. As it is a methodology applied to the Dynamics suite I doubt you will get specific questions, it is a framework, but I have not got that in-depth with the product, they may exist, you would need to search for them, or ask Microsoft.