i want to pdf of this book :-

Discrete Manufacturing using Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

actually i want to learn some functional terms , so i was searching for this book . but its not free , so if any 1 have pdf of this book den plz let me know about it .

thanks .

I hope you understand this is an inappropriate request.

Users of this forum are invested in MS Dynamics. Some will have worked really hard and invested time and effort into writing a book, and now you want to disrespect that work and obtain an illegal copy.

I work with Scott Hamilton (the author) at times and I know the time and effort that goes into creating the books. If you dont want to pay for it, dont read it, it clearly has no value to you.

i have not any intensions to disrespect them . I was just expecting bcoz its price seems high for me .

but still i apologize for it .