How to write join query in AIF Outbound service in ax 2009

Hi Everyone,

I want to write a query filter before creating XML file in AIF Outbound service. so filter is based on two tables one is salesTable and another one CustTable. here SalesTable having CustAccount field. in this custAccount field value is based on custTable values. i was struggling to write query join in AIF outbound service. So pls give me a suggestion how to create a join queries in AIF outbound service?

Thanks In advance

If it’s the same question you already ask elsewhere, I’ll continue with the discussion there. If it’s not, please explain the problem. So far you merely said that you have a problem; unfortunately there is not a single solution for any possible problem.


actually my query object returns the below query…

SELECT FIRSTFAST * FROM SalesTable JOIN FIRSTFAST * FROM CustTable WHERE SalesTable.CustAccount = CustTable.AccountNum AND ((NOT (CRM_AccountNum = ’ ')))

Service point is AxdSalesorderService.find()

while submitting my query in below line it pass the my query object value but Xml file is not created


It’s the same question, so I won’t repeat myself here.