How to show Calendar Week (was Weeks counting)

I have second question - how to count (for example) 10 weeks forward and show each week number in report as C/AL Globals?

One problem - weeks in year is only 52, but if i start to count from week 43, then + 10 weeks will be 53, but it’s wrong.

Correct is week No.1 in next year…

How to do it?

For me better is, if i use starting date - for example - StartDate.

I would suggest that you use the Date-table.

You can filter that one on Period Type = Week.
Set what ever filter you need on the Starting Date.
And then loop the appropriate number of times through the dataset, by using the FOR-TO loop, combined with DateRec.NEXT
FOR i := 1 TO NumberOfLoops DO BEGIN
GlobalVar[i] := DateRec.“Period Name”;

Note that you need to have a big enough number of dimensions defined on GlobalVar.
(This is of course also a limit in the max “counts” you can do)