How to send CSV/Excel file from azure blob storage to DMF data project through X++

If the customer doesn’t like Logic Apps, use Azure Functions instead.
And if the customer doesn’t like Azure at all, then why we’re talking about getting data from Azure storage to a cloud ERP running in Azure too?
Deciding not to use the right tools for the job means a lot of extra work, and if don’t know how to do it in any other way, then it means not being able to do the job at all.
Anyway, if you insist, reading data though Azure Storage API is quite easy (I already showed it to you in your other thread). Injecting files to data management from X++ will likely be more difficult, because that’s not what you’re supposed to do. I don’t have code for that, but I’m pretty sure that it can be done. Instead, you should use data management APIs from outside (such as Azure Functions).