how to pass the arguments list page form to master form while clicking the button using different datasources ibn x++

in my form iam using different datasources while record value based on master form will open how to get

iam using different tables

Can you please elaborate or describe clearly?

thank you for reply kranthi,
I have created new employe table as per my requirement,
in that I created 4 fields, like emp id, emp name designation , project, worker so these fields will use in create form for lookup selecting these values into store the table because of usiong listpage form

in action pane menu item buttons like

designation, worker , project while selecting the grid value clicking the action pane menuitem it will show master form, corresponding record will select

how to achieve this

in my case iam not using same datasources

Do you have a relation between your new table and the table in the form that are you are going to open by clicking on the menu item?

i am creating the relation , in that form clicking corresponding form open fine , but all values are need to show , in my case selected record only open , how to show all the values and selected value should mark

What do you mean by all values need to shown, can you explain?

Hi Sridar,

I think your form is working like 1:1 (Based on primary value) relationship same as other form like Sales and sales Line form. One Sales Id in both . You want to make it One Id with other All id but from the calling record or selected should be selected in other form also .

For that you can give a select field and can pass all the selected value parent form to child form. Remove element.Args().Record() filter from corresponding form.

Try to make your requirement clear if it’s not the issue.

I need to show master form , for selected value should be selected in master form while opening the listpage form

can you please send the code

So you are trying to select multiple records in your form , clicking on the menu item and the form behind the menu item should show all the data related to selected records? If so please confirm.