How to Import Item Tracking info (Serial No) using RapidStart?

How can one use RapidStart to import Item Tracking info (serial numbers) for existing inventory for the initial deployment of NAV? We have more than 5000 Serial Number tracked items that need to be imported, and manually entering them is not practical. I can’t find any tables that contain the SN info… I tried generating several items with SN tracking lines from the Windows client, but I can’t seem to find the table those Serial Numbers are stored to when exporting all the tables I can think of that would be related to it via RapidStart.

I read several very old posts on various forums talking about Item Tracking being stored with Reservations and a series temporary tables (and several comments about how Item Tracking is poorly implemented in NAV), but nothing recent (or helpful) - please help!


Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 CU13 W1
(installed on Windows Server 2016 & SQL 2016!)

In NAV 2016 lot and serial no.'s are much easier to import.
You just have to use the Item Journal Line table.

Simply putting the serial number in the serial number field does not work. There must be other things to do. Can someone help with this as I also have a large number to import.

Hi ThingFish,
Well it does work - have done it several times.

But not if you have an older NAV version. It was much more difficult to import then, as they needed to go into a different item tracking table.

Nav 2017. Posting the Item Journal results in ‘Tracking Specification Missing’ message. The tracking code for the Item is set to Serial, and there is no field in the Item Journal Line that by its name implies it is tracking specification.

And do you have Quantity = 1 for each line?