How to give the user the Read permission even on the tables that are not used


I am a technical writer working on an article in Navision 4.0. Can anyone help me out in answering the following questions?

  1. How to give the user the Read permission?

  2. How to give the user the Read permission even on the tables that are not used (empty)?

Pls. note: I don’t have the product installed in my computer.

Thank you

Hi Amudha

  1. How to give the user the Read permission?

You will have to create a new role or change an existing role and assigned the role to the user.

Go to Tools → Security → Roles to create a new role. Press the Role bottom and then Permissions to assign permissions to the role. Select “Table Data” in , your table number in and clear the defaulted “Yes” in , and leaving only = “Yes” and = “Yes”.

As described above or do you mean why?

If why; then because Navision on SQL have problems with empty (not used) tables. The users might get permissions errors if you don’t assign permissions to these empty tables…



Hi Claus

Thank you so much.

This has helped me a lot!


However please do not cross post - it is very very annoying!