how to get list oftables ( table Group(main) )tables in X++

how to get list oftables ( table Group(main) )tables in X++

in Ax we have more than 9 thousand tables, how to identify parameters table or main table using code in X++


static void AOT_TableGroup(Args _args)
TreeNode tableNode = TreeNode::findNode(@’\Data Dictionary\Tables’);
TreeNodeIterator iterator = tableNode.AOTiterator();
ClassName tableName;
UtilElements utilElements;

tableNode =;

tableName = tableNode.treeNodeName();

select utilElements
where utilElements.RecordType == UtilElementType::Table
&& utilElements.Name == tableName;

info(strfmt(’%1 - %2’,tableName, tableNode.AOTgetProperty(‘TableGroup’)));

tableNode =;


static void groupTablesNames(Args _args)
int i;
Dictionary dict = new Dictionary();
DictTable dictTable;

for (i=1; i<=dict.tableCnt(); i++)
dictTable = new DictTable(dict.tableCnt2Id(i));
if (dictTable.tableGroup() == TableGroup::Group) // change it to what ever table group you want

If you’re interested only in standard tables, you don’t have to write any code. Simply download the list provided by Microsoft and filter it by Table group.