How to find thentabel that the field belong to?

Hi all,

Lets say that iam working in a certain card in Navision (classic client), when I press CTRL+ F2 I come to the design form. I want to see to which tanel the selected field belong too?

usually I look at source expression , but in case there was more than one Glabal varibales I have to searcg in all records to find the tabel which are connected with the field. I just want an easy way to know the Tabel name for a select field ?

Thanks a lot

If the source expression for the control is actually a field and not a working variable, you can look to the SourceTable property for the form you’re working in. Another option is Zoom (Ctrl-F8). Just position the cursor on the field you’re curious about and Zoom. Then read the name of the related table in the Zoom window caption.

Now, if the control source expression is a variable and not a field, then you’ll need to search the program code to determine the source of the value for that variable.