How To Filter The one Lookup Value Based on another Lookup in X++ ?

How To Filter The one Lookup Value Based on another Lookup in X++ ?

How to get , if I select Vendor Group 10, in below control Vendor account dropdown the corresponding Accounts only to show

any one know the logic


Hope you are doing it in form.
Override the lookup method of that control and use SysTableLookup with vendTable, build the query and apply range on vendGroup and pass the selected vend group
Example: \Data Dictionary\Tables\InventTable\Methods\lookupItemType

Iam Not Getting , can you tell me any form for similar requirement

\Forms\SalesTable\Data Sources\SalesTable\Fields\InventLocationId\Methods\lookup
\Forms\SalesTable\Data Sources\SalesTable\Fields\CurBankAccount_LV\Methods\lookup


This may be helpful to you…



while writing the lookup method for vendor account box , give the range for that lookup like this

range1 = ds1.addRange(fieldNum(your Table, yourField));
range1.value( firstStringEdit.Value() );

firstStringEdit.Value() → means the value of first TextBox .

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