How to filter lookup values on a dialogfield in Report Dialog based on another dialogfield in AX 2012 AOT reports?

How can i implement Customized lookup in Report Dialog box.

for example i have two fields in my report dialog 1) Custgroup 2) CustAccount

if i have selected a particuler cust group in first field then second field lookup should show only customers those come under this cust groups.

My code is::::


    public class ReportRun extends ObjectRun

        DialogField dialogcustGroup,dialogcustaccount ;
        CustTable  obj_CustTable ;

   //dialog method
   public Object dialog(Object _dialog)
    DialogRunbase dialog = _dialog;
    DialogGroup     toFromGroup;
    Args _args;
    str accountnum,custGroup;
   // _args =  new Args();
   //  obj_dev_CustTable = _args.record(); 
    //accountnum = obj_dev_CustTable.AccountNum;

    dialogcustGroup = dialog.addFieldValue(extendedTypeStr(CustGroup),CustGroup,"");

    while select obj_CustTable
         where obj_CustTable.AccountNum == dialogcustGroup .value()
         CID     =  obj_dev_CustTable.CID;
     dialogcustaccount =dialog.addFieldValue(ExtendedTypeStr(AccountNum),accountnum,"CID");

    return dialog;
Any help would be great!!!!

Following links would help you.



Following links would help you:



Great for SSRS reports in AX 2012…But actually i need that functionality for AOT reports in AX 2012…

please suggest any solution…

Hi Mohd Saddaf,

I am not getting you you exactly mean by AOT reports. From AX 2012 onwards reports are in SSRS only. Please elaborate.



Hi preeti,

Can we do this in query based report,

Hi preeti,

Can we do this in query based report.

Hello Preeti Pandey,

Great for SSRS reports in AX 2012…But actually i need that functionality for Morphx reports in AX 2012…

please suggest any solution…If you have any possible solution then share it…

MorphX reports are dead technology, not supported anymore in AX 2012 and non-existing at all in AX 7. You mustn’t use them - you would merely waste your time. Reports in AX 2012 are based on SSRS.