How to disable or enable edit for a field in list page?

i added a new filed in custTable form (not on custTableListPage). i want to enable or disable edit functionality of that field when edit button is clicked on the form as shown bellow. Cust Tier field is added to the form.


Initially it should be non editable like other fields as shown bellow.

after clicking on the Edit button (Pencil Mark) which is located on top right of the form the field should be editable like others how can i achieve this

tried to write code on some listpage interaction classes but not worked.

That is not a list page.

Is that a bound field? Do you have that field in table or you just added it in the form?

i have added the field to CustTable and then added it to the form.

Issued Solved Kranthi. its my mistake accidentally kept view and edit mode property of that filed as edit. now changed it back to auto and the field is working as expected.