how to change the option value

I have a field named Business Type in sales header table. the option value includs Type1,Type2,Type3. Now I want to change the option value to TypeA,TypeB,TypeC. There is a problem: if changing the option value directly, the business type value in the open/unposted order or invoice will be blank. how to change the option value and not to affect the business type value in the open sales documents? thanks!

The open/unposted orders or invoices is the Sales Header Table so this obviously can’t be avoided. If the optionfield is carried through to posted tables (i.e. table 112 Sales Invoice Header, 114 Sales Cr.Memo Header, 21 Cust. Ledger Entry) you will run into further problems. If you simply wish to change the option text, but the “meaning” remains the same (i.e. Type1=TypeA, Type2=TypeB) then it’s ok, provided you don’t change the order of options (insert new or delete options). All in all I think you should consider converting the field to code.

I must agree with sv that if you are in a situation where you need to change options, it probably means that either you didn’t think through things in the begining, or you really should not have used an option field. Removing the option field is a lot of work, a better way is to add a new code field, set it up, get it working, and then write a routine to copy the data across to the other field. Just changing the Option field is a big job, so just leave it there.

You can change the option caption property for the option field. This will not cause any problem. Cheers