How to call a report directly from RunbaseReport Class

I have a class nameRunbaseReport Class and I should be able to directly generate a report when I run the class?

If your class is extended by RunbaseReport Class… then just override the ‘LastValueElementName’ method and return your report name.

Hope this will helps you…


its varified

Hi AXTadka,

The above sound related to my question. I duplicate a runbasereport class and renamed it but when I try to save it give me no error “Variable SalesPersonReportCopy has not been declared”. I can understand Vb.Net and c#.Net programing but I am not a x++ Coder. I appreciate your kind help and from fellow dynamics enthusiast.

Class Declaration

// This is a framework class. Customizing this class may cause problems with future upgrades to the software.
class SalesPersonReportCopy extends RunBaseReport
Date dateFrom, dateTo;
NoYesId noGrp;
DialogField dlgDateFrom, dlgDateTo, dlgNoGrp;


Main Method

static void main(Args args)

SalesPersonReportCopy SalesPersonReport;
SalesPersonReport = new SalesPersonReportCopy();
if (SalesPersonReport.prompt());