How to Backup and Restore NAV 5.0 SP1

I am trying to recreate our NAV environment from our production server to a development (dev) server for testing purposes. Does anybody have specific directions or instructions on how to do this?


Server 2003 R2

Sql Server 2005

NAV 5.0 SP1

Hi Tarak,

Do you want to know the procedure for taking back-up and restore, if yes then

For taking backup: From Navision, Tools>> Backup>>Entire Database and select two booleans at the bottom , give the path and the system will backup.

For restore>> Tools>> Restore and give the path to earlier back-up file.

The other option is using “.bak” file, by first taking backup from SQL server and then restore that on the new server. I prefer doing by first option.

In case you have any other specific question, then do post it here.

Thanks for that quick response.


Were you able to solve your issue of recreating your database in a different server for testing? I have the same issue now.

I have tried backing up the database (fbk) to try and restore it on our test server but I am getting an error. (see attached)


I have also tried restoring a “bak” file on the test server and connect to it using msnav client but I’m getting the same error as above.

Any assistance will be appreciated.