Help migrating Navision 4 SP3 to another server


Please forgive me im a bit of a Navision Noob. Ive been given the task to migrate/consolidate our Navision database (i think its Version 4 SP3) from an old Server (Microsoft 2003, SQL 2000) to a newer one (Microsoft 2008, SQL 2008)

Ive spent the last two and a bit days working on this without much success. Here are the steps ive been taking.

  1. Backup the SQL database from the old Server

  2. Restore the SQL into a NEW database on the new server

Another method ive tried was to,

  1. Take a Application backup using the Navision client (tools, backup, create a new FDB file)

  2. Create a NEW Navision Database on the NEW SQL server and restore the contents of the FDB backup (tools, restore)

Unfortunately either way, after the restore, when i try and open a COMPANY,

the company either doesn’t exist (blank), ;or

the company does open but the pane on the left hand side but its all empty, ie no shortcuts or data, or

I get the error message "You do not have permission to run the ‘MBS’ MenuSuite;

Im pretty sure its Navision 4 SP3. if i install the Version 5 client and try to connect it asks me to upgrade the DB, if i run the version 4 client with no SP installed) it tells me i need to run a higher version.

As a test, I also did the same restore procedures (both SQL and APPLICATION restore) via a NEW/different Windows 2003, SQL 2000 server and i get the same issue “You do not have permission to run the ‘MBS’ MenuSuite”

Any help would be appreciated.



Attached are two screenshot of what it looks like when im connected to a Company on the (working) and one when im connected to the database im trying to restore.




If anyone can throw some suggestions my way it would be appreciated. The only other thing ive tried recently was to IMPORT all the SQL users from the old server to the new one (retaining SID, original passwords etc). Still not working after that.



Did you check via sql if there is a record in the table Windows Access Control for your SID?

I think it’s missing and this is causing the permission error on the MenuSuite.


I checked the “Windows Access Control” table on both the servers that working and the server im trying to migrate too. They look exactly the same.

On both servers, If i go into the persmissions TAB, ALL the SQL users have the “Select”, “Insert”, “Update”, “Delete” boxes unticked. All the ROLES do have all these options ticket.


THe only other thing i might add is that the new server and old server are on different domains. I wouldn’t of throught this would of been a problem because we use SQL authentication not Windows for Navision.




I think i figured out what the problem is. I noticed today that if i logged onto both servers (old and new) at the same time the licence key was different.

The old server had an extra line that the new server didn’t have

2,120 Navision Version 4.0 1

What happened was when i restored the data i used the only .flf file i could find, which must of been an old one (version 3)

Unfortunately whenever i exported the .flf file from the old server it created a blank .flf file. The only way i could move the licence file was to COPY the table “$ndo$srvproperty” from the MASTER DB on the old server to the new server.

