The planning worksheet creates a separate Action Message for each purchased item. When the Action Messages are carried out, one purchase order per item is created. Is there a way to create one multi-line purchase order for different items from the same vendor when using Carry Out Action Message? Please, don’t say modification.[:)]
Hi Brian I cannot remember off the top of my head how the planning worksheet works or can be filtered from this perspective, but the requisiiton worksheet in purchases will naturally lump everything for the same vendor onto one purchase order, and from the planning worksheet you can send the purchase order to the requisition worksheet so you could always do this.
Steven, Per your suggestion, I tested the requisition worksheet in purchases, and it worked. [8D] Thanks, Brian
Hi GUys, My planning always suggest to me the same item in different lines. Is there any thing that can croup these into One PO Line. Eg: Item A 12/24/03 1000 Pcs Item A 12/26/03 500 Pcs. If these 2 lines appear on the same worksheet. Why should not these 2 combine to give one PO Line. But when I carryout action for the first Line only, then rerun the Plan the system suggest to me to change Qty. for the intial PO.
Hi Prashanth Your reordering policy could alter with a longer reorder cycle? This is ultimately to do with the setup of the items (as well as the system) but you can alter the set-up of the items to do what you want them to.
Dear Prashanth, This is how Time phased MRP works. Try to use “Lot for Lot” in reordering policy and check out your reorder cycle. I hope this works Thanks & Regards Devinder Sareen
Dear Steven, In India 3.7 is released only some days back so not very aware of the changes. This only for your informations Thanks & Regards Devinder Sareen
Dear Prashanth B, This is very Simple . Navision will create 2 lines only because if u look into the dates u can find that both the lines have different dates . So ,naturally Navision needs to give u different lines when u create the order from the worksheet.
Hi All, I understand the fact that if I change my reorder cycle the Planning will work fine. But the problem is that this reorder cycle is not fixed based on a calendar. For Eg: PLan on 12/20/04 then my week is 12/20/04 to 12/27/04 But if I plan on 12/21/04 then my week is 12/21/04 to 12/28/04. The reorder cycle is working from the date of plan and is not a fixed. I more like the previous (version 2.60) planning where I could suggest a planning Horizon. But with the new planning I cannot specify a planning horizon. Although now I can suggest an ending date. I cannot suggest a starting date for the plan. Because if I have a policy to review my plan everyday, then the results of the planning with same Policy is completely different. on 12/20/04 I get a suggestion for New, but on 12/21/04 I get change Qty. IN my opinion the current Navision planning is successful only with a MTO and Order Policy which will freeze a demand against a Supply. But working with other policies, there is huge change in the plan even within Hours. Does anybody concur with me on this…