Grni and Stock Valuation report do not match

We had Navion Dynamics implimented in january 10.

I am struggling producing MI for january. yes January. The balance of the stock vluation including expected costs does not match the stock balance in the nominal ledger plus GRNI.

I really need some help suuport has been hopeless.

Thanks in advance

Could you please tell us what you exactly doing and i didnt get what is MI and GRNI? Thanks

Ok got it , its good recieved not invoiced (GRNI) but whats MI? and please explain more what you are doing exactly?

First step would be to run it on the day you went live - does it balance then? Then start looking for manual journals into the accounts that you are not expecting.

But grni doesnt get recorded in general ledger.

MI = Management information

GRNI will get recorded in the GL if expected costs are turned on.