Hi all Has anyone written or had experience of a routine written to amalgamate general ledger accounts, retaining (and renaming) the relevant transactions and re-populating the said GL account number wherever it appears in the system (posting groups etc). As an example I have account numbers 1100 and 1200 with associated transactions (Open and Closed) and balances, after month end I wish to transfer all the transactions from 1200 into 1100, the account 1200 will be deleted and 1100 given a new name, wherever 1100 appeared in the system it would now be replaced with 1200, and a new balance would be calculated. Alternatively I wish to transfer all transactions from 1110 and 1200 into a new account, 1189, and the same changes as before applies. Any feedback welcomed. Cheers Steve Steven Weaver XONITEK Systems (UK) Ltd +44 (0) 23 80641175 (Tel) +44 (0) 23 80641173 (Fax)
It is actually very easy (which is kind of frightening) FromGLAcct.GET(‘1200’); ToGLAcct.GET(‘1100’); ToGLAcct.DELETE; //although deleted, the record information is still held by the var FromGLAcct.RENAME(ToGLAcct.“No.”); //All records associated with the From Account will now have the To Account FromGLAcct := ToGLAcct; //transfers the information from the “deleted” Account to the renamed Account FromGLAcct.MODIFY; //Now that the “deleted” record now “exists” again, all of it’s original entries “reattach”. I have used code similar to this to create “Merge” forms for Customers and Items when they are duplicated. Bill Benefiel Manager of Information Systems Overhead Door Company billb@ohdind Edited by - wbenefiel on 2001 Jun 20 15:20:35
Well Bill is basically right but there are some issues that you need to consider when making multiple account changes. We have an add-on that we developed to do this. I’ve attached the necessary objects. Feel free to use them on any test or educational basis. Before using in a production system, please contact us to purchase a license. download Jim Hollcraft NCSD, NCSP, MCSE, CNE, MCP, MST aka Skater http://drilldot.com Unauthorized Navision News
Bill and Jim Thank you for your input, it is appreciated. Steve
Hi Jim I have downloaded the merge functionality you kindly left. I have imported the objects into Cronus, but when I try to run the Move/Merge routine I get the message "You do not have permission to run the “Move/Merge G/L Accounts” Codeunit. Unsure if this is because I am running the UK version of Navision or if I need the license you said I should purchase. Please could you let me know how much the license is for future reference (you can email me this if you do not wish to disclose the price to the masses) and how to test this!! Thanks again. Steve sweaver@xonitek.co.uk