Getfilters / Design

Hi, I was wondering if there is a way to show, on a header section of a report for instance, a textbox with GETFILTERS in source expression and get the following result: No.: 19500… Name: CA… Date: 050503…050504 In place of No.: 19500…,Name: CA…Date: 050503…050504 So It’s a “simple” alignement problem but well, it would seem more professional. I want a ligne feed between each field. For sure, I can use Getfilter for each field of the table (T27 would be a nightmare) with a show/not show code Can FORMAT do something for me, how? Thanks

well if you’re sure that the user never enters a “,” in a filter and no fieldname contains a “,” you could replace all “,” in the filter with “” so if you put that variable into a textbox as a sourceexpression, nav makes a new line for every “”. but you could also do it this way: PROCEDURE GetMeSomeFilters; VAR TempFilters: Temp. Record "Comment Line" FilterString: Text255; CurrFilter: Text80; i: Integer; BEGIN FilterString := Item.GETFILTERS; i := 0; REPEAT i += 1; IF FilterString[i]=',' THEN BEGIN TempFilters.INIT; TempFilters."Line No." := i; TempFilters.Comment := CurrFilter; TempFilters.INSERT; CurrFilter := ''; END ELSE BEGIN CurrFilter := CurrFilter + FilterStrimg[i]; END; UNTIL i = STRLEN(FilterString); END; Now you have a temporary table with a line for every field filtered for. Cheers.

Hi John Cage, You can try this, if you can limit yourseft upto certain lines, Create a WIDE text box on the header (depanding on how many line max you want to print), and set the properties for this text box as “MultiLine = Yes” “SourceExpr = CONVERTSTR(Item.GETFILTERS,’,’,’’)” report will print the filters in the different lines Have Fun. Naveen Jain