i have to design the report monthwise from value entry table.
how can i use date table for this?
let me know if any way of using date table in this report.
i have to design the report monthwise from value entry table.
how can i use date table for this?
let me know if any way of using date table in this report.
You can set Group expression in report based on Posting Date/Document date. The expression will be something like Month(Fields!PostingDate.Value).
But my report id Processing Only…there is no layout…So is it any way of using Date Virtual table for that?
In that case i think you want to use the Date Table for filtering value entries? If that is the case then you can do something like this -
StartDate = 01012016D (Assume Value )
EndDate := CalcDate(‘1M-1D’,StartDate); (Give you month End Date)
FOR I = 1 To 12 DO BEGIN (IF you plan to run for 12 months)
//Code Whatever you require with
ValueEntry.Setrange(“Posting Date”,StartDate,EndDate);
StartDate := CalcDate(‘1M’,StartDate);
EndDate := CalcDate(‘1M-1D’,StartDate);
Hope it helps.
Hi [mention:d37e849211a549bdb70a00b394567ad1:e9ed411860ed4f2ba0265705b8793d05],
Yes you can use the Date table to do this.
Then you need to create a DataItem in your report using the Date table. Here you can filter on the Period Type (Date, Week, Month, Quarter or Year). Remember always to set a filter on the Period Start and End, or the report will run for a very long time…
You can then put the code to filter on the value entry on the OnAfterGetRecord trigger of the data item.
ValueEntry.SETRANGE(“Posting Date”,“Period Start”,“Period End”);
Saurav’s suggestion is basically doing the same thing. Just without the date table. His solution is great if you need to have a report with 12 columns (one for each period) and typically a line per item (if quantity). Then you would store the values in an array variable within the FOR-statement.
Ok.Thank You for Your Reply…Now i got It…