General Ledger Entries with unique dimensions

I have a client that is looking to pull only those general ledger entries with unique combinations… excluding duplicates. How can we achieve this?

I think we need some more context to help you… what is a duplicated entry for you? what do you consider unique cobinations? and how do you want to pull de data?

For example, the list has 3,814 rows. If I remove duplicates based on G/L Account No., Fund No., and all the dim codes, I get 52 unique records. That 52 is what I want. If I could export to excel.

Why not export it to Excel, then use the Remove Duplicates functionality to cut down the list?

That’s how they currently do this, but they don’t want to do this every time. Looking for a way to automate it.

Do you mean group data for some fields?

Have you tried “Analyze” option in “General Ledger Entries” page? you can group data and sum amounts.

You can create a process only report (or codeunit) and use Excel Buffer to export de data to Excel. Or create a new report with an Excel Layout. Or create a Query grouping the fields you need, and view the Query (like a page).

I think there are a lot of ways to achive what you need, but most of them will require to develope an extension.

Thank you. We wrote a jet formula to pull the unique combinations directly from the G/L table.