Gen. Posting Type must not be in Gen. Journal Line Journal Template Name='',Journal Batch Name='',Line No.='1000'.

Hi all

I am getting following error when posting a sales order in 6.0sp1 IN version

Gen. Posting Type must not be in Gen. Journal Line Journal Template Name=’’,Journal Batch Name=’’,Line No.=‘1000’.

when I debug it I found it stopped at

IF “Account No.” <> ‘’ THEN BEGIN

CASE “Account Type” OF

“Account Type”::“G/L Account”:


IF (“Gen. Bus. Posting Group” <> ‘’) OR (“Gen. Prod. Posting Group” <> ‘’) OR

(“VAT Bus. Posting Group” <> ‘’) OR (“VAT Prod. Posting Group” <> ‘’)


Message(’%1 %2’,“Account No.”,“Gen. Posting Type”);

TESTFIELD(“Gen. Posting Type”);

I note that GL account no and checked but I found that "Gen. Posting type " is not null. I changed to Null also I am getting same error.

am I missing some thing or is it a bug

This field shows the general posting type that will be used when you post the entry on this journal line.

The program automatically retrieves the general posting type from the General Posting Type field on the G/L account card if you insert a G/L account in the account no. field.

The program uses the general posting type, together with the VAT Bus.Posting group and VAT prod posting group fields, to find the account to which VAT is posted.

To see the general posting types that are available, click the AssistButton in the field:

Use this option if the transaction on this journal line does not involve VAT.


Use this option if the entry on this journal line contains a purchase transaction. The program uses this information to calculate the correct purchase VAT and post it to the account for purchase VAT.


Use this option if the entry on this journal line contains a sales transaction. The program uses this information to calculate the correct sales VAT and post it to the account for sales VAT.

It is not a bug…

Hi amol

I have kept message to check which GL account it is checking (check my preivous post). The GL account for which it is showing has '“Gen. Posting Type”

Message(’%1 %2’,“Account No.”,“Gen. Posting Type”);

when I check in the GL account card I found that “Gen. Posting Type” is purchase

but still I am getting error(iin the message I am getting blank).

is there any other place where I have to check it whether ““Gen. Posting Type”” is there are or not

I think it is not getting validated due to you message Check that.

after getting the error I kept message to check whether the which account no is getting this error

Is there any other account is involved in this transaction ??? Check the Gen.Posting type for this.

thanks amol for the reply

how can know which account is hitting before transaction

Check Balancing Account

Check wether any blank line invoive in Trasnaction

I found one gl account with name cst payable. I don’t know exactly what should be gen. posting type

whether sale or purchase

I made CST payable Gen. Posting type as sales. Till now no user reported the error regarding that transaction. The question remains why it showing error for the GL account which has Gen. Posting type( refer to my first post, I have kept message for displaying gl account is it a bug).