Gen Journal Posting

I am posting general journal opening balances but am having an eeror saying out of balnce by 0.04 but i have checked my debit and credit are equal but still giving me an error of 0.04 on total balance, its a new company

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Are the transactions balanced by Document No. and Date? Also, check the entries are in Document No., Posting Date order.

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NAV/BC balances a general journal by Posting Date, Document Type, Document No., and Amount. If you dump out your journal into Excel (after entering it), then pivot or sort/subtotal by the criteria I just listed, you’ll have your 4 cents somewhere.

OK i saw where the problem was, i was using reporting currency so the 0.04 cents was the balancing amount from the local currency so i think currency conversions what what

I had the same problem loading opening balances. When I looked at my source data, I realized some of the data were either calculations or had more than 2 digits. Or it could be a foreign currency conversion issue

In such cases always look on Amount and Amount LCY, in case that you don’t see difference try to use from action tab the function " Insert Conv.LCY Rndg .Line".

Hope that this will help someone.