g/l account no in g/l entry table must be flow field

Hi guys i have proplem in report i make report consist from three data item g/laccount g/lentry g/l entry2 like above i put two text boxes in FromNo,ToNo in Request form to filter document no Meaning as example i will write from document no 2 to 122 but i face proplem third data item g/lentry2 i want to group g/laccount no and credit amount i dont know how to make grouping in third data item by g/laccount no . how i make setrange in third data item to accept range of document no between these two numberes. can any one help me thanks

You are filtering the G/L Entry Data on the basis of G/L Account & then from Document No. of G/L Entry ?

Try using SetFilter.

To show you what i need is ex :

in request form

From No 130 (documentNo)

To No 134 (Document No)

Report what i need like this :

Date DocNo No Name CreditAmount

12/12/12 130 130101 cash in hand 10000

13/12/12 131 130101 cash in hand 50000

14/12/12 132 130102 tradeRecivable 20000

14/12/12 133 130102 tradeRecivable 1000

15/12/12 134 130103 pettycash 3000

Total 84000

group no Total

130101 60000

130102 21000

130103 3000

this is report what i need .

Can you told me how…the proplem in this report how i make grouping inlast of report as following :

group no Total

130101 60000

130102 21000

130103 3000

this third data item are i make g/l entry or g/l account and how i make grouping .

any one told me how

in third data item i make g/l entry with no indentation then write this code :

“G/L Entry2”.SETRANGE(“G/L Entry2”.“Document No.”,StDate,Enddate);
“G/L Entry2”.SETRANGE(“G/L Account No.”,“G/L Account”.“No.”);
“G/L Entry2”.CALCFIELDS(“G/L Entry2”.“Credit Amount”);

are this true and i dont make grouping


Thanks guys I solved my solution as following :

g/laccount(no identation)

g/lentry(one indentation)

g/laccount1(no indentation)

I create three data item :

on pre data item(g/laccount1) :

“G/L Account1”.COPYFILTERS(“G/L Account”);

Debitsum :=0;

after get record trigger i write following(g/laccount1) :
recgl.SETRANGE(recgl.“G/L Account No.”,“G/L Account1”.“No.”);
recgl.SETRANGE(recgl.“Posting Date”,StDate,EDate);
recgl.SETRANGE(recgl.“Source Code”,“G/L Entry”.“Source Code”);
FinalSum:= FinalSum+recgl.“Credit Amount”;
UNTIL recgl.NEXT=0;
Debitsum := Debitsum+FinalSum;
IF FinalSum =0 THEN

then in second data item (g/l entry)

i write as following

“G/L Entry”.SETRANGE(“G/L Entry”.“Posting Date”,StDate,EDate);

this is for posting date and if you need between two document no use setfilter best because when i need all document in one branch i can write xx* it will accept but setrange not accept

meaning replace setrange with set filter above and and stdate,enddate with from no ,to no and define in globale variables fromno,to no