Form data source

In form datasource method i have :

purchTableQuery = PurchTable_ds.query();

purchTableQuery.dataSourceNo(1).addRange(fieldnum(PurchTable, PurchId)).value(“ABC”);

Why this method write in a field “ABC”. ?? I think it set a range and when “ABC” is not in the field it retorn nothing.

You are providing the range for PurchId, When there is nothing specified it filters with empty.("") You know that PurchId cannot be empty for any PO. So it returns nothing.

OK. but:

in properties of DS i have InsertIfEmpty : Yes

and then in the grid put me “ABC”. Why addrange( ).value("ABC) put ABC in grid. Why??

when the properties I put on NO then show me "this grid is empty.

what is “PO”?

PO stands for purchase order

ok but i still dont understand why

purchTableQuery = PurchTable_ds.query();

purchTableQuery.dataSourceNo(1).addRange(fieldnum(PurchTable, PurchId)).value(“ABC”);

put me in the grid ABC in purchId row.

any help