Forecast New Version not Updating

Dear all,

I have one problem in creating New Forecast Version in Navision. Foolowing is my Scenario,

I have one forecast set as Current foreast and i want to edit some forecast ,so i created new version and copy from old version and tried to make changes in the New Forcast Version but surprisingly my changes are hitting in the old version which i have set as my current forecast. Why it is happen like this???

i am using my warehouse(Location) Direct put away and Pick Ticked…!!

Please help . My aim is to keep an old version unchanged and new one updated…what is to be done???

I w’d appreciate if anyone could answer it



Hi Rose,

The copy function copies the forecast but leaves you in the current forecast. All you need to do is to select the new forecast.

Hi Rose,

Did Dave’s answer help you? If yes, then please verify his answer as the solution to you. If not then please submit further information about your problem.

Thank you.