Fom New Button calls removeFilter from Main Datasource

I have a form with the DetailsMaster design pattern.
In the form, the removeFilter method of the Main DataSource is called when I trigger the New Button in the form.
If I stop with a breakpoint in the removeFilet, I cannot see who triggered it.
There is no call to removeFilter in the code itself.
The filters should not be deleted.
The question now is: What can trigger the removeFiler?

Here is the callstack when I set a breakpoint in removeFilter

> |Dynamics.AX.CargoSuiteTMS.Forms.ANXTMSCustInvoiceTableNew.netmodule!Dynamics.AX.Application.Forms.ANXTMSCustInvoiceTableNew.FormDataSource.ANXTMSCustInvoiceTable.`removeFilter() Line 245|X++|
> |---|---|
> |[Lightweight Function]||
> |Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Xpp.Support.dll!Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp.ReflectionCallHelper.KernelToXppInstanceCallCoC(object instance, string methodName, string nestedElementName, string rootName, object[] parameters) Line 3015|C#|
> |aoskernel.dll!Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.MSIL.cqlClassIL.InvokeInstanceCallHandlerCoC(object instance, string MethodName, string NestedElementName, string RootName, object[] parameters)|Unknown|
> |aoskernel.dll!<Module>.callILClassMethodCoC(interpret* ip, char* method, char* nestedConceptName, char* rootName, uint chdl, cqlClass* c)|Unknown|
> |[Native to Managed Transition]||
> |[Managed to Native Transition]||
> |aoskernel.dll!Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.MSIL.cqlClassIL.Call(System.IntPtr c, string methodName, object[] parameters, System.Type[] types, object[] varargs, System.Type[] varargsTypes)|Unknown|
> |Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Server.Core.dll!Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp.XppObjectBase.Call(string methodName, object[] parameters, System.Type[] types, object[] varargs) Line 257|C#|
> |Dynamics.AX.ApplicationPlatform.1.netmodule!Dynamics.AX.Application.FormRun.`task(int _p1) Line 1426|X++|
> |[Lightweight Function]||
> |aoskernel.dll!<Module>.callILClassMethod(interpret* ip, char* method, uint chdl, cqlClass* c)|Unknown|
> |[Native to Managed Transition]||
> |[Managed to Native Transition]||
> |aoskernel.dll!Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.MSIL.cqlClassIL.Call(System.IntPtr c, string methodName, object[] parameters, System.Type[] types, object[] varargs, System.Type[] varargsTypes)|Unknown|
> |Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Server.Core.dll!Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp.XppObjectBase.Call(string methodName, object[] parameters, System.Type[] types, object[] varargs) Line 257|C#|
> |Dynamics.AX.ApplicationPlatform.1.netmodule!Dynamics.AX.Application.FormRun.`task(int _p1) Line 1426|X++|
> |[Lightweight Function]||
> |aoskernel.dll!<Module>.callILClassMethod(interpret* ip, char* method, uint chdl, cqlClass* c)|Unknown|
> |[Native to Managed Transition]||
> |[Managed to Native Transition]||
> |aoskernel.dll!Microsoft.Dynamics.Client.ServerForm.Interactions.InteractionManager.ProcessPendingOperations(bool useSnapshot)|Unknown|
> |aoskernel.dll!Microsoft.Dynamics.Client.ServerForm.Interactions.InteractionManager.ProcessMessages(object stateinfo)|Unknown|
> |mscorlib.dll!System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, object state, bool preserveSyncCtx)|Unknown|
> |mscorlib.dll!System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, object state, bool preserveSyncCtx)|Unknown|
> |mscorlib.dll!System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem()|Unknown|
> |mscorlib.dll!System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()|Unknown|
> |[Native to Managed Transition]||

Can anyone see what triggers the removeFilter?

Is it related to a setting in the form or the data source?

I have other forms with the same design pattern in the project that do not show the behavior, but I cannot find any relevant differences in the settings.

I found a difference between two forms:
Both forms open a dialog for entering Data for the new dataset.
My Form has no “NewRecordAcion” in the design properties, but has an overwritten create Method in the form, which opens the dialog.
Before it is entered, the removeFilter Method is called.

Is there a possibility to have nothing in the “NewRecordAction” and have no removeFilter?