Flowfields in the database

Hello All, A question about flowfields in conjunction with database access tools like MS Access through ODBC: when I read the Navision manual, I got the impression the values of flowfields are not actually stored in the database. Only at runtime the values are calculated and “real”. But when I want to use a reportting tool (MS Access through C/ODBC in my case) I want to be sure about the stored values, even the flowfields. Does C/ODBC calculate these at the time of running the query? Additional question: when I want to use date calculations (especially the payment terms) in my Access queries, do I need to parse them myself or takes C/ODBC care of things? Hope you can help out.

Don’t use this because the field are not calculated and you might have some wrong data. Data are calculated inside navision. And if you look for them from outside navision the values should be wrong.