Fields value not refreshed in Matrix on PgUp PgDw

Then you pressing PgUp or PgDw, and currsor are in values area Field, and this field are editable, is not refreshed. Form: 522.

Try this, Check the code for the form and make sure the “OnNextRecord” section is blank. It seems that even if there is a “.” in there the Pgup and Pgdn don’t work. John Curtain Business Analyst HLB Consulting - Information Systems Level 32, Nauru House 80 Collins St Melb VIC 3000 Ph: +61 3 9258 6745 Fax: +61 3 9258 6722 Mob: 0411 511 951

This BUG is coused by strange trigers calling order. if we have 5 rec in form, trigers are called in following sequence: OnAfterGetRecord 1 OnAfterGetCurrRecord 1 OnAfterGetRecord 2 OnAfterGetRecord 3 OnAfterGetRecord 4 OnAfterGetRecord 5 OnAfterGetRecord 1 OnAfterGetRecord 2 OnAfterGetRecord 3 OnAfterGetRecord 4 OnAfterGetRecord 5 If value is calculated on OnAfterGetRecord the last calculated value will be on 5 rec. So at the end they should call OnAfterGetCurrRecord !!!