Hi everydody, I have a problem with the creation of a text file: (I can not use dataports) So I use f.create,f.open. … in an on after get record trigger in a report. (second dataItem linked with an other one) But It only create one line in my text file. I think it overwrite the line until the last one. How can I avoid this. I tried F.pos … but maybe the wrong way because it does’nt work better (I use textmode(true)so it’s not the problem) Thank you

John I would use the f.create, f.open commands on say the OnPreReport trigger or on the OnPreDataItem of the first DataItem, then just write to the file in the OnAfterGetRecord trigger. Hope this is of help.

Do you use: For first time: f.TEXTMODE := TRUE; f.CREATE('virus.txt'); f.WRITE('FunLove'); f.CLOSE; For next times: f.TEXTMODE := TRUE; f.OPEN('virus.txt'); f.SEEK(f.LEN); f.WRITE('Next FunLove'); f.CLOSE; [?]

OnPreDataItem clear (f); f.TEXTMODE := TRUE; f.CREATE(myFilenameVar); OnAfterGetRecord f.WRITE(myTextvar); onPostDataItem f.CLOSE; CLEAR (f);

I found out that f.WRITEMODE := TRUE made a big differente when i wanted to add up an existing file. Frode