Export To Excel format fields decimal type (#,##0.00)

Hi Everybody

When i use function EnterCell export field to excel then can’t format field type #,##0.00

Function i use :

EnterCell(RowNo : Integer;ColumnNo : Integer;CellValue : Text[120];Bold : Boolean;UnderLine : Boolean;NumberFormat : Text[30];CellType : Integer)
ExcelBuf.VALIDATE(“Row No.”,RowNo);
ExcelBuf.VALIDATE(“Column No.”,ColumnNo);
ExcelBuf.“Cell Value as Text” := CellValue;
ExcelBuf.Formula := ‘’;
ExcelBuf.Bold := Bold;
ExcelBuf.Underline := UnderLine;
NumberFormat := NumberFormat;
ExcelBuf.“Cell Type” := CellType;

And call function :

EnterCell(RowNo,7,FORMAT(TempExcelBuffer.Decimal_1),FALSE,TRUE,’#,##0.00’,ExcelBuf.“Cell Type”::Number);

But it’s no export format type #,##0.00

Please help fix format type. Thanks very much.

Best Regards

Dinh Son

Please always mention which version of NAV this is about and which version of Excel.

I’ve seen some examples of “strange” formatting with Excel 2013.

Hi Erik

I use NAV 2013

And which Excel?

I use Excel version 2013