Event Viewer Error Dynamics AX Workflow... 'Host Runtime'

on the event Viewer Dynamics AX Workflow Error:: Workflow instance: fcb82ce4-8fc1-426b-bd06-1052cf1a2349 was terminated for the following reason: Dynamics Adapter CallStaticClassMethod failed… For more information, see Help and Support Center at go.microsoft.com/…/events.asp.

somebody Help me???

I’m facing the same problem and looking for solutions. At the moment, I’ve found the next links with possible solutions that I’ve not implemented yet. Hope them help:

· http://workflowax.wordpress.com/2009/09/17/running-multiple-aos-on-the-same-box-all-using-workflow/#comment-704

· https://community.dynamics.com/product/ax/f/33/p/57528/103713.aspx