Error while posting invoice.

Hi All,

I am using console Demo data for AX 2012 R3 and I am going through production process.

I have created the purchase order and when I am trying the post the invoice. I am getting the following error.


Purchase order: 000004

Account number for transaction type Purchase expenditure for product does not exist.

Account number for transaction type Purchase, inventory receipt does not exist.

Account number for transaction type Purchase expenditure for product does not exist.

Account number for transaction type Purchase, fixed receipt price loss does not exist.

Account number for transaction type Purchase, fixed receipt price offset does not exist.

Posting has been cancelled.

I have followed some blogs saying that COA is not linked to Account structure. And I observed that no Account structure is added to COA.

I was trying to link but I can see only Manufacturing and retail account structures available.

Please help me how to add account structure and what kind of account structure to be added. Or is there any alternative available.

Thank you

Please help me.

Dear Aklesh,

please link the account in item group,

inventory and warehouse management-> here you will find item group-> open the item group and check in purchase tab weather the account is linked or not if then then link the account and then try again.

if still the problem exist contact me on my skype account