Make PO with foreign currency and specific LOT number with 100 qty then posting receive. after posting receive he realized that PO has wrong item number.
make negative adustment with 50qty then applied to this PO
posting positive adjustment with 50qty
make Purchase return order with 2 line. (first line applied to purchase and second line applied to positive adjustment
reopen the PO and change direct unit cost, then posting invoice.
I will try to answer all your questions in a short reply:
In general, if you want to undo either posted receipts or returns, there must be enough pcs in stock for this item and the PO or return PO must not be invoiced.
I do not think going into the ledger entry table and undo checks is a good solution. Messing with tables are never the correct thing to do.
To sort this mess, I think the best thing to do will be to reverse what you have done with an POInvoice/PO Credit. (invoice for return PO, credit for PO - remember to apply line to correct entry in the column “Apply to Item Entry”). And then just start over, either making new PO with correct receipt or new Invoice.
Also, if I understood you correctly, you had both negative and positve line in the same PO - I hope you used the function “Move negative lines” and not posted the PO with both positive and negative lines. My experience is that this never is a good thing to do.
thx for your advice… I realized it, to clean up this mess i have to reverse evertything to the beginning…
however when i tried to make credit memo applied to the purchase invoice the G/L entry did not balance… Adjustment that NAV created ruins everything… after i tried in cronus database, i found the way to reverse every G/L entry NAV makes…
undo return shipment in posted return shipment.
then create credit memo for purchase invoice with amount = (A - B), which A = amount in purchase invoice and B = A - real direct unit cost.
however, when i try to do it at live database, it shows that warning… ( T_T)!!
can i ask something? how is the “move negative line” function run?
The function “move negative lines” can be found several places. It works like this:
Say that you are taking 1 piece in return from customer and selling him 1 piece of something else. Enter both lines in the salesorder (1 negative and 1 positive). Stand on the negative line, use Functions/Move Negative Lines and then choose what type of document you would like the line to be moved to. (in sales order choices are; return order or credit note). The new document will open after clicking OK, you can finish it by posting it or change status and leave open, add textlines or other items etc. Return to your original document and finish this.
A very useful function, since the head is copied from original document. Saves time.
As for your no. 2: not quite sure what you mean by invoice amount. Also, the reverse document must have exactly the same Unit Cost as original and also everything else. (if you have entered charges or financelines). You could always use the function Copy Document - but remember to remove the tick in the field Recalculate Lines. If you have filled out the Header of the document before using the function, do not tick of in Include Header either.
This way, the reversed document will be exactly as original and also aplied to correct entries.