Error when calculating backward calendar is not available before 01/01/2015 for machine center 130

Dear all

i have work with NAV R2 for few months. i had Created Released Prod.Order. Quantity in Released Prod.order is 5000. That time everything is fine the work center and machine center have not problem but when i create new one and increase quantity to 10.000 or 100.000 i face error message Error when calculating backward calendar is not available before 01/01/2015 for machine center 130.

could everyone help me please

thank you so much.

This error is due to incorrect calendar entries generated from machine center 130. Double check the capacity info as well as the associated calendar that you created. Chances are your routing set up/rate is wrong (ie unit/hour) and thus NAV is saying it needs to go way back in time to allow enough time for producing the 5000 units. Reality is your availability calendar is calculated incorrectly.
