Hi, I need to post and invoice a sales order but I;m getting the following message, Warehouse handling is required for Document Type = Order, Document No. = ______, Line No. = 1000.
I’m also getting this error message when posting a transfer order. Can someone help me, please? Thanks!
Hi Frank:
You have stumbled into one of the more arcane error messages. It means you have some form of warehousing enabled in the location, most likely Require Pick, and the pick is not registered and there are myriad reasons why that can happen. Usually, there is not enough available inventory in pickable bins, but there can be other reasons depending on how you have the location configured. There is no single answer to this issue, it requires more detail to fully understand.
If it’s enabled, you will need to create a warehouse shipment for the sales order and transfer order and then a warehouse pick. Complete the pick then post the shipment.
You’ll then able to post the sales order and transfer order.
Hope this helps.