Error during Product Receipt

Hi All,

I create a new “Purchase Order” and add a line.For that line i specify charges by going to “Financials → Maintain Charges”.And then “Conform” the order.

I get an error while trying to generate a “Product Receipt” for a purchase order.

Please can someone help me out to figure this.



The error has got nothing to do with the Maintain charges. Its a number sequence issue.

Follow these links to solve the same:

Thanks Kiran for the links.

But as directed in the link when i uncheck “allow duplicates” i don’t get any error.

My concern here is that, the number sequence used for product receipt doesn’t overlap with any other number sequence in the system.

Can you please suggest me any other solution to go forward.



I see :slight_smile: I saw someone mentioning it could be a bug also. So what I suggest is to manually clean up the number sequence from the list or else use a new one.