EP 2012:Error while deploying from AOT to EP

Hi All,

I am geeting the following error when trying to deploy from AOT to EP.

"Server was unable to process request. —> Setup encountered an error during deployment of the Role Center and Enterprise Portal framework.

An error occurred while deploying Web page EPSampleCustomerForm.
You need write permission to the root web site at dynamicsax.contoso.com/…/DynamicsAx to perform this operation."

Any fix for this please!!!



From the error it seems that the user from which you are trying to deploy the web page does not have permission in the EP site.

Just check it once under site actions button in the site and assign the full rights if not given .

Reply back if you have any confusion .

Hey thanx Lalit,

Yes it was related to the permission only.

Thanks a lot for the help!!!


Hej Preeti,

I receive exactly the same error message. Though i have added my user on EP with permission- full control, still i am unable to deploy the list page from AX.

Could you please let me know if permission needs to be addressed at some other entities as well.

Have a nice evening.


Hi Nikunj,

Did you get the solution for above issue?

