Ebay Integration with BC token issue

Hello there,
I’m working on an API integration Ebay with business central (trying to fetch Ebay orders and show it on bc), but the token i got from Ebay has a length of more than 2350+, i cannot store this value on bc due to the field size limitation of 2048. what are my options i want to reference my field “Access Token” Text [2048] as the token on all the endpoints.

business central (Cloud)

In this instance, I would use a Blob field to store the value. You will just need to stream the value in and out to use it.

Tonya Bricco-Meske
Microsoft MVP

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Hi tonya

I was able to utilize the blob field (took reference from the standard sales header table - work description field) used outstream to store my values in the blob field and then use instream to read the value inside the blob field.

Thanks a bunch for the help!

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